- July 23-25, 2025
- On Record: 33 1/3 Years Strong Fighting Fraud!
- Renaissance Orlando at Sea World
The Florida Insurance Fraud Education Committee (FIFEC) is a joint effort between the Florida Division of Investigative and Forensic Services (DIFS) and the Special Investigation Units of the Insurance Industry to facilitate communication and education.
1. Coordinate and host an annual conference featuring training by insurance fraud professionals to educate attendees in identifying, investigating, and prosecuting fraudulent insurance practices.
2. Facilitate attendance at the annual insurance fraud educational conference by providing grants to law enforcement officials, state insurance investigators, fire marshals, local, state, and federal prosecutors, and personnel in various governmental agencies.
3. Encourage communication, networking and coordinated efforts within the insurance industry and law enforcement community to combat insurance fraud by participating in activities approved by the FIFEC Executive Committee.

FIFEC is a not-for-profit organization comprised of volunteers. FIFEC relies on volunteer board members to accomplish our stated mission. Membership consists of Officers (The Executive Committee, Secretary & Treasurer) and 16 Subcommittees. The Subcommittee membership is comprised of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, and approved Subcommittee members.
We welcome new members interested in contributing to the fight against insurance fraud. Additions to subcommittee membership are considered when a need on that subcommittee has been established. Qualifying candidates shall be limited to active or retired:
Members of a special investigative unit of an insurance company that has an NAIC number; or
Employees of the Florida Division of Investigative and Forensics Services; or
Fraud investigators of authorized (or approved) self-insured or governmental entities; or
Other Individuals whose participation as determined by the Executive Committee would be beneficial to the Purpose/Mission Statement of FIFEC.
Individuals interested in volunteering in an official capacity as a FIFEC board member shall submit a completed application form and if accepted, shall adhere to the current FIFEC Bylaws and the Membership Governing document, which will be provided to the candidate during the review process.
Volunteering on the FIFEC Board requires a commitment of time to attend approximately 6 planning meetings yearly, completing assigned tasks and assisting at the annual three-day educational conference. If you are not able to devote the necessary time to assist or attend as requested, then you may consider applying for membership at a time when your schedule will accommodate these requirements.
APPLICATION review process
After the Operations Subcommittee’s’ initial review, the application is forwarded to FIFEC’s Executive Committee who, along with the subcommittee chairpersons, will assess our current needs for additional volunteers.
• If a subcommittee has a need that matches your qualifications, that subcommittee’s chairperson will contact you within another 30 days to further discuss your application.
• If there isn’t an opening that matches your interest, a member of the Executive Committee will notify you within those 30 days.
FIFEC does not restrict membership based on race, color, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or national origin.
subcommittee descriptions
Please see below for a brief description of each Subcommittee. The description will also list when the subcommittee is most active in preparing for the annual educational conference.
ADVISORY (No Vacancy)
The Advisory Subcommittee assists the Executive committee in matters surrounding the purpose and mission of FIFEC, our bylaws and governing documents. This subcommittee monitors Federal, State and Local Laws to ensure that FIFEC remains in compliance and provides recommendations accordingly. Advisory also ensures that any safety concerns are addressed prior to and during the annual conference.
The Audio-Visual Subcommittee secures the electronic equipment needed to host the annual conference by coordinating with other subcommittees and vendors to determine the audio-visual needs of instructors and the equipment needed at every function during the conference. Audio Visual subcommittee members assist instructors needing help with projectors, microphones, etc. before classes and safeguard FIFEC owned equipment. This subcommittee starts to become very active a few months before the conference.
The Awards Subcommittee posts updated award qualification criteria and the nomination forms, then coordinates with Registration to open nominations. The Awards subcommittee reviews the nominations, communicates with the nominees, selects the award recipients; creates PowerPoint presentations, orders trophies, processes certificates; and collaborates with other subcommittees to assure an exceptional experience for each nominee. The subcommittee members plan and host the awards presentations during FIFEC’s Opening Ceremonies and the Awards Luncheon. Awards becomes very active in the few months before the conference and through the conference end.
The Desk Subcommittee obtains the materials and personnel needed to create the conference welcome packets. The subcommittee members coordinate the preparation day activities and operate the registration desk during the conference welcoming each attendee, providing their registration packets, answering conference questions, and assisting our guests as needed. This subcommittee becomes active about a month before the conference.
The DIFS Liaison's primary role is to recruit, organize and expedite FIFEC grants for FLDFS members. Further duties include recruiting DIFS speakers for the conference, arranging travel and providing guidance to conference grant recipients. This subcommittee coordinates with the DIFS Director and CFO for their roles at the conference, as well as preparing and organizing the DIFS booth for the conference. The DIFS Liaison activity increases just a few months before the conference when Grant applications open and remains busy throughout the conference.
The Education Subcommittee reviews the presentation proposals and the supporting documents provided by the conference speakers to assure that they comply with current requirements to secure Florida CLE/CE accreditation. The Education subcommittee collaborates with IAISU to offer and proctor the CIFI exam during the FIFEC conference. The Education subcommittee is most active in the months before the conference and after the conference when it submits the CE cards to the state.
The Exhibitors Subcommittee solicits and secures exhibitors at the conference. This involves processing applications, communicating with the exhibitors, obtaining payments, assuring that booth spaces comply with fire and safety ordinances, creating welcome packets, and staffing the exhibitor desk throughout the conference to answer questions and address exhibitor needs. The Exhibitors Subcommittee also organizes the Exhibitor Raffle including designing the cards, purchasing the raffle gifts and cards stampers, providing instructions, and hosting the raffle event.
Exhibitors coordinates with other subcommittees and the conference show vendor to develop the overall conference look, address signage needs and oversee the booth installation, entrance display, etc. Exhibitors is active for several months before the conference.
The Gifts Subcommittee works with vendors to select, properly brand, negotiate and purchase conference attendee gifts. The Gifts subcommittee coordinates with other subcommittees on gifts for exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and volunteers. The subcommittee members staff the Gifts booth throughout the conference. Activity increases in the months prior to the conference.
The Grants subcommittee provides grants to law enforcement to attend FIFEC each year. The Grants subcommittee reviews the applications, selects qualifying grant recipients, and maintains communication to secure and provide the necessary information to facilitate conference attendance. This subcommittee works with Registration, Site and Operations to assure that all related items are coordinated to create a rewarding experience for the grant recipient. This subcommittee becomes very active in March through the conference end.
The Operations subcommittee recruits, trains, and coordinates volunteers to proctor classes and secure class attendance information for the conference. Subcommittee members select volunteer gifts, obtain security, reserve the Color Guard, address guest badges, and arrange the entertainment and decorations for FIFEC sponsored networking events. This subcommittee assists with walk-up registrations and collecting CEU cards during the conference. Activity increases in February with the busiest time being during the conference.
The Public Relations subcommittee focuses on promoting the conference, maintaining mailing lists, creating electronic communications, designing, and distributing promotional flyers, and providing FIFEC conference information at appropriate meetings and events with Executive Committee approval. Public Relations also creates and publishes the conference program. This subcommittee is active in the last few months before the conference.
The Registration subcommittee works with the Speakers, Education and Website subcommittees to create the registration page and post the classes available to conference registrants. They interface with RSVP, Stripe, and mass communication vendors to collect fees, address credits, and provide information. This subcommittee provides registration data updates regularly to assist other subcommittees assess the needs for each class and event. This subcommittee prepares individualized schedules for each attendee and prints the name tags and attendance certificates. During the conference they process walk-in registrations and address schedule changes. Activity increases a few months before and continues through the conference.
The Site Subcommittee serves as the liaison between FIFEC and the host hotel including contract negotiations, arranging classroom and event room assignments, food and beverage catering for all meals and refreshments included with conference registration. The Site subcommittee coordinates with Grants and the DIFS Liaison to address scholarship accommodations. This subcommittee procures accommodations for FIFEC board planning meetings. Active throughout the year with an increase in activity in just prior to the conference.
The Speakers subcommittee attracts and secures presentation proposals to be considered for the conference. Subcommittee members work closely with the Education subcommittee to ensure that the proposals meet the requirements to secure FL adjuster CE and FL Bar CLE accreditation. This subcommittee requests and tracks the receipt of the documents needed to secure accreditation, creates the conference schedule and provides course descriptions and information to the Registration, Website and Public Relations subcommittees. This committee coordinates with the Audio-Visual subcommittee to address speaker AV needs. During the conference, subcommittee members welcome and accommodate the presenters to ensure a professional and pleasant speaking experience. The Speakers subcommittee creates and analyzes the post-course surveys, maintains a current contact list and course offering records. Active for several months before, during and after conference.
The Sponsors Subcommittee promotes the conference to potential sponsors, develops and communicates sponsorship opportunities and maintains rapport with current and potential sponsors. This subcommittee secures artwork for the posters and program listings, works with vendors on sponsorship items, selects the sponsor gifts, and maintains current mailing lists and sponsorship records. Activity increases in the months before the conference.
The Website Subcommittee is integral to FIFEC and the conference. This subcommittee focuses on the creation and maintenance of the website by collaborating with and addresses the individual needs and deadlines of nearly every FIFEC subcommittee. The Website subcommittee maintains technical vendor relationships, including FIFEC’s Twitter account, to ensure that these services are current and relevant to our needs. This subcommittee requires people who are skilled in website design, or eager to learn. Website is active throughout the year but busiest in the months leading up to the conference.
committee contacts
Deanna Ricci
Liberty Mutual Insurance
1000 AAA Drive #150, Heathrow, FL 32746
352-459-8583 Office
Brenda Rivera
Progressive Insurance
Anthony Parker
Direct General Insurance
904-536-5389 Office